
Each day we hear, see, or experience the effects of extreme weather. Extreme cold, wet, heat, drought, tornados, snowstorms, and floods are a short list of weather-related events affecting each of us. This project shows the size, complexity, and interrelationships of fossil fuel and renewable energy industry.

I have provided a narrative view of energy production and transportation. This project is primarily linguistic based. It is conservation documentary photography. There is a heavy emphasis on form and shape in the landscapes I capture.

There are two sections to the project. The first section follows oil from oil rail car until it is pumped into the tank of a vehicle. The second part of the project focuses on alternate sources of energy including wind, solar, hydroelectric, and hydrogen. Some of these clean sources of energy like hydroelectric have been around for a long time. Others like hydrogen are in the initial stages of development.

There are challenges and benefits to change. Everyone in the world is affected by the switch to renewable energy. Some in small ways, others large. An enormous number of resources are being expended to make this transition. As with all change, we can be innovators, early adopters, the early majority, the late majority, or laggards. The transition to renewables will be fraught with challenges. How will your own choices affect the planet? How will you choose to act?


New York City